Called to be Peacemakers conference

IMGP0483Our annual conference for YPN members, Called to be Peacemakers, was a great success.  It was run jointly with the Student Christian Movement this year and some 50 people attended.
Welcome to our new members!

The theme was Peace, Power and Protest: Prophets for a new world and our contributors included Christian CND,  QPSW and Operation Noah, among many others. Inderjit Bhogal was the keynote speaker, explaining to us how peace isn’t a destination, but the means to achieving reconciliation and to do so we must all have a dream.  That as Christians we are called to look for the good in others and to be different.  We were challenged indeed.

If you were there and would like to write a blog post about it, please do!  Send it to Emma and please include any photo you’d like to go up with it.

In the meantime, get involved: do something for the Global Day of Action on Military Spending on 14th April. To find out more about FoR, come to our Oxford meeting on 13th March at 7:30pm.

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