Fellowship of Reconciliation Responds to Queens Speech

Richard Bickle, Chair of the Fellowship of Reconciliation, said there was a need for accountability and an investment in peace if elements of today’s Queens Speech are to be met.

He said:

“The Fellowship shares wider concerns of the Peace and Human Rights movements that Government plans to tackle so-called “vexacious claims” against British Personnel could lead to abuse being swept under the carpet. If lasting peace and true reconciliation is to be found in situations of former conflict then honesty and accountability from all sides needs to be central.

The announcement of a comprehensive review of the United Kingdom’s Security, Defence and Foreign policies, provides a chance for the UK to focus on security building through peacebuilding, rather than over-investing in weapons of war. We encourage the review to take seriously the need for non-violent conflict prevention and resolution to be a pillar of UK foreign policy and defence.”

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