FoR Statement on Merging of Foreign Office and Department for International Development

Richard Bickle, Chair of the Fellowship of Reconciliation, released the following statement, following the announcement from the UK Government that they will be merging the Foreign and Commonwealth Office with the Department for International Development:

“Today’s announcement by the UK Government should be a matter of concern for all peacemakers.  A strength of the Department for International Development, and its funding decisions, was its independence from the foreign policy objectives of any one government. Instead, it linked its focus to the globally recognised Sustainable Development Goals, including a need to build peace in fragile states.

The Prime Minister, in his statement to the house, made clear that the launch of the department was months away. We will be paying close attention to see how the DFID strategic aim of promoting peace by working in insecure nations to tackle the root causes of conflict will translate to the new department”

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