Revd Dr Inderjit Bhogal Appointed Honorary President of FOR

Inderjit Bhogal Methodist Conference 2018
Photo copyright Trustees for Methodist Church Purposes

The Revd Dr Inderjit Bhogal OBE has been appointed Honorary President of the Fellowship of Reconciliation England and Scotland. The appointment was agreed by members of the Fellowship who attended the recent Annual Council, held on 20th June 2020.  Inderjit is already active as President of the Methodist Peace Fellowship, a network of Methodists within the FOR. 

His appointment to the newly-created role will last for three years from the Annual Council of 2020 to the Annual Council of 2023.  It is a voluntary role that will provide opportunities for the Fellowship and Inderjit to spread wider a message of peace, reconciliation, and justice to churches of all denominations.

Inderjit responded to the appointment saying:

“I am deeply honoured and humbled by this appointment, and hope to fulfil my responsibilities well. I value the work of FOR, especially the insistence on the centrality of reconciliation. All of us are called to share in God’s continuing ministry of reconciliation.

In this ministry of reconciliation we dare to hope for and dream of a different society. A decent society where “widest extremes” can be joined, all people can be safe and have equal opportunity. They can flourish and enjoy the fullness of life. It will be a society where different parties agree to be in an open and honest relationship in which they share openly and honestly in difficult conversations.

A reconciled society, congregation or church will not be one without differences and disagreements. It will be one where division is not destructive. Instead, there is a shared commitment to listening to each other and the enhancement of life for all.

I am committed to working with all FOR members and partners and others in this ministry”.

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