ICJ Ruling Means Ceasefire Needed

John Cooper, Director of the Fellowship of Reconciliation (England and Scotland) said in response to the International Court of Justice ruling on Israel and Gaza:

” Today’s preliminary ruling makes clear  significant international concern about activities currently being carried out on the population living in Gaza.

The detailed request to ensure people can be held accountable for their actions is a vital reminder the cover of war is no excuse for the abuse of human rights.

We need a ceasefire so the killing ends. We need hostages returned to their families. We need negotiations to deliver a lasting peace and those who abuse human rights held to account for real reconciliation and security to be built”

The Fellowship has joined broader advocacy initiatives pushing for a ceasefire and political conclusion to the conflict. It is in regular contact with the Wi’am Centre in Jerusalem, which is a reconciliation project and part of the International Fellowship of Reconciliation network

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