On 24th February 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine. This plunged Eastern Europe into a devastating conflict This move undid decades of work on building peace and saw a democratic nation descend into violent conflict.
At the outbreak of the conflict FoR condemned the violent invasion and called for peace, monitoring of human rights abuses and safe passage for those wishing to flee. The International Fellowship of Reconciliation outlined its concerns and wishes for peace to be present. Both FOR and IFOR highlighted pacifists, anti war activists and conscientious objectors in both nations.
To help you respond to the ongoing conflict we have:
- Launched an e-action asking our Government to call for both the resumption of peace talks and a ceasefire. We will soon be launching a new action.
Launched an appeal to help keep us raising a voice for peace and to provide humanitarian relief in the Ukraine through an IFOR Partner
We urgently need your donation Today
- A zoom based prayer meeting which happens every Friday at 7.30pm – Register Now
- Released a prayer by Inderjit Bhogal, our Honorary President, for use in personal and collective worship : Find it on Facebook
- Download your own resource of prayers, a hymn and intercessions
- Posters for display in your home, church or at a local peace witness
- A letter to all Methodists from the President of the Methodist Peace Fellowship