Praying for Peace in a World Swept Up in War
“It is entering into the outrage, refusing to be triggered into violence, that is the heart of non-violence”
“It is entering into the outrage, refusing to be triggered into violence, that is the heart of non-violence”
“Conducting violence draped in Union Jack flags mocks values of human dignity and decency”
Response to the Street Violence in England and Northern Ireland Read More »
The Fellowship of Reconciliation has joined with peace movements from around the world to advocate for justice and the release of Ukrainian Pacifist Yuri Sheliazhenko. J O I N T P R E S S R E L E A S EUkraine: Stop the criminalization of peace and human rights speech and the prosecution of
Fellowship joins Global Support for Ukrainian Pacifist Read More »
In the last 24hrs proposals have come from the Conservative Party about the potential to reintroduce conscription or National Service for all 18 year olds within the UK. Through a combination of either military service or compulsary voluntary activity all 18 year olds would be challenged to do something. This proposal was first floated earlier
FoR Pledges Support for those whose faith leads them to object to National Service Read More »
The Fellowship of Reconciliation (England and Scotland), one of the oldest peace movements in the UK expressed despair and disappointment at the actions of Iran in the last 24hrs. John Cooper, Director of the Fellowship, said: “All politicians face a decision, to increase the noise of war or to turn towards acting for peace. The
News reports emerge that over a million children are currently trapped in areas caught up in the gang violence in Haiti. We share a prayer for peace in Haiti written by Rev Dr Leslie Griffiths. It can be used in your church and your own devotions: Dear Lord, We give thanks for the land
The Fellowship of Reconciliation joined 45 other signatories in a joint letter expressing concern about continued shrinkage in the right to protest in the UK. Following recent speeches by the Prime Minister and the Secretary of State for Housing, Levelling Up and Communities, the Fellowship is concerend at the ongoing politicisation over what is acceptable.
Fellowship Concerned by Potential for Further Restrictions on Right to Protest Read More »
John Cooper, Director of the Fellowship of Reconciliation (England and Scotland) said in response to the International Court of Justice ruling on Israel and Gaza: ” Today’s preliminary ruling makes clear significant international concern about activities currently being carried out on the population living in Gaza. The detailed request to ensure people can be held accountable
Register to join: Meeting Registration – Zoom At 7.30 pm on Friday, 26th January 2024, the 100th global peace prayer meeting will start on Zoom. The gathering, run by a group of Christian Peace organisations, started the first week of the war in Ukraine and has met every week since. Over 250 people receive updates,