

The world needs more peacemakers.

Be a Peacemaker, in your congregation, in your school and community,

in your home,

in your work place and playground,

in your neighbourhood, in your nation, in the world.

Rev Dr Inderjit Bhogal, Honorary President of the Methodist Peace Fellowship

20th September 2020 is Peace Sunday. Order your digital material, including reflections from Inderjit and a link to the Graham Kendrick track, today – www.for.org.uk/peacesunday


The Fellowship of Reconciliation is a community of people who are inspired by the life and teachings of Jesus Christ (Jesus of Nazareth) to oppose war and work together to build a world order based on love.

Our Mission: to grow and resource the community of Christians committed to nonviolence; challenge militarism; embody peace and reconciliation.

Our Methods: to grow and support our membership of nonviolent peacemakers; campaign and advocate at a national and local level; work with partners to campaign at an international level; offer training, prayer, worship, and living example.


We always welcome new members: join us.
Not in England or Scotland? International FOR has branches throughout the world.Click here.

DSEi drones FoR

FoR promotes active nonviolence and love as the means to transform unjust political, economic and social structures.

We are an ecumenical Christian organisation campaigning against war and its preparation. In our 105 years, we’ve racked up 6 Nobel Peace Prize winners, and are partners in the 2017 Laureate: the International Campaign to Ban Nuclear Weapons!

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