
Peace Sunday

Peace Sunday is the Sunday closest to the UN international day of Peace. For more information about this year and the relevant materials see

Cover image PeaceLinks June 2017 PeaceLinks is the newsletter for members of FoR. Latest edition: here.

You’re a member but didn’t get your copy? Perhaps you’ve moved since the last postal edition. Please let us know your new address.

PeaceLinks archive at bottom of page

Kinnoull Conference

Two of the talks from our recent conference in Kinnoull, Scotland, are available to watch online:

International FoR coordinator Lucas Johnson
Catholic peace activist John Dear

Nuclear Ban Treaty

Historic negotiations have been taking place at the UN, to negotiate an international treaty to ban nuclear weapons. The treaty has now been adopted and over 100 countries have adopted it.

Unfortunately, the UK boycotted the talks, along with other nuclear-armed states, and even Japan – which experienced devastation at the hands of these weapons. Let’s put pressure on the UK to sign the treaty.

What can you do?

Send Theresa May a message, asking her to support the Nuclear Ban Treaty

Sign the citizens’ treaty

Read this briefing from the Network of Christian Peace Organisations.

Conscientious Objectors

Oxford Quakers Sue Smith and Marieke Faber Clarke have brought out a resource about local Conscientious Objectors.  It includes stories from Oxford Friends about their CO family and friends during World Wars I and II. Learn how lives were affected by the taking of this unpopular but courageous stance.

Call the Meeting House on 01865 557373 for paper copies.

Nonviolence works front pageNonviolence Works!
A selection of inspiring examples of nonviolent action from 1932 to 2009. Helpful reading on the importance of nonviolent (normative) as opposed to violent (exceptional) responses. Published by FoR, Pax Christi and the Baptist Peace Fellowship (2010). Paper copy available from the office (free).
Scan of the pamphlet. We are working on an interactive version.


Christmas Cards


Click on the image to enlarge.
Blank inside. FoR logo on reverse.
With thanks to Keziah Cooper for the design.

£3 for 5, plus £1 p&p or come and collect them from the office.
70p each for fewer than 5.

Donate online below or send a cheque.


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Please email for more information and to place an order/request a hard copy of any of the resources below:

text NHS play

Cancel Trident flyers
There are two designs: spend on nurses and stop cuts to NHS. These are double-sided so if you need help printing, let us know an we can provide you with copies. These are handy for giving out at NHS cuts-related events (miserably abundant!) and direct people to the CND petition calling the government to scrap Trident. Incidentally, have you signed it?

SWNM coverStudy War No More A report on military involvement in 26 UK universities, published by FoR and Campaign Against Arms Trade in 2007.  Request a hard copy (£3) or download it here.

Dare to Disarm!
A pamphlet on trust – that peace-professing nations cannot be so whilst continuing to prepare for war. Published by FoR in 1931; just as relevant today. (Scan of the original).

Opposing World War One: Courage and Conscience
An information briefing about conscientious objection and peace activism in the First World War. Published by FoR, Pax Christi, Peace Pledge Union, Quaker Peace and Social Witness and Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (2013). Hard copies £1.

Convenient Killing cover Convenient Killing: Armed Drones and the Playstation Mentality
Report produced by FoR, this is a thorough analysis and critique of drone warfare. Contact the office for a hard copy. Published by FoR (2010).

Rcihard Deats book Active Nonviolence Across the World

In this booklet, Richard Deats (former Director of FoR USA) has compiled a summary of 30 stories of nonviolent success. Available from the FoR office (£1.75). Published by FoR (2010).

Security for the Common Good

The focus of this short briefing is on the component of military expenditure. The authors aim to set out a clear picture of what resources are currently being spent on military security and call on Church leaders and individual Christians to promote a genuinely Christian approach to common global security. Download here.

Written and published by FoR and Pax Christi (2009).

PeaceLinks: Winter 2018-19

PeaceLinks: Summer 2018

PeaceLinks: Winter 2017-18

PeaceLinks: Summer 2017

PeaceLinks: Winter 2017

PeaceLinks: Summer 2016

PeaceLinks: March-May 2015

PeaceLinks: January – February 2015 

PeaceLinks: July-October 2014

Peacelinks: February – May 2014.

Peacelinks: November 2013 – January 2014

We are very grateful to Dave Pybus, who edits PeaceLinks on a voluntary basis.

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