This page is about events in the past, and to order a centenary booklet.
On 2nd December 2013 we had an Advent Concert at Christ Church Cathedral Oxford. This involved music performed by the wonderful Cathedral Singers and readers including Yasmin Alibi-Brown, Tim Pigott-Smith and Norman Kember.

17th-23rd May 2014 we had a week on Iona. “Pilgrims for Peace: Celebrating 100 years of nonviolent peacemaking, forgiveness, compassion and reconciliation.” led by The Rev. David Mumford, Convener of FoR Scotland and rector of Brechin and Tarfside, and Denis Beaumont, a Trustee of FoR, England, Pastoral Worker in the Wolverhampton Methodist Circuit, and Associate of the Iona Community.

On 22nd November 2014 we held a conference in Cambridge, with Rowan Williams as our keynote speaker. We looked back on one hundred years since the founding of FoR at a similar conference in Cambridge, and looking forward to what the future of FoR may hold.
Finally on 17th January 2015 we had a thanksgiving service at the University Church of St Mary the Virgin, Oxford. It was a wonderful way to wrap up the celebrations, right in the centre of the FoR’s current home, Oxford. With music from the Sea Green Singers and sermon by David Walker, bishop of Manchester.
Our centenary booklet is out!
100 pages of stories and articles from the FoR archives, prayers, and bringing you up-to-date.To order a copy, call the office or fill in the form below. We suggest of donation of £7 for the booklet, to cover printing costs and P&P. Additional copies are £5 each. Please donate after filling in the order form (donation button underneath).
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