MP3 of Rowan Williams’ talk + panel

If you couldn’t make it to our centenary conference but want to hear what Rowan Williams said in his keynote address, then you’re in luck!

We recorded Rowan’s talk onto a dictaphone and it’s taken a while (and a miracle) to get it onto a computer.
We’ve separated it out into his talk and the Q&A which followed, so you can listen to the bits you want. Apologies for the fuziness – we had to drastically reduce the file size to get them onto the website.

Full talk:


Q&A session afterwards:

Note:  If the Play buttons are hidden, click on the black bit next to the time on the left.

Both files are available at a higher quality if needed, just call us on 01865 250781 or email

In addition, thanks to the recording skills of Jon Kwan, you can now watch the Q&A after the panel session with Dr Zaza Johnson Elsheikh, Rabbi Prof Marc Saperstein, Dr Marcus Braybrooke and Lelung Tulku, chaired by FoR trustee Donald Reece:

Thanks again to everyone who made the day a success, particular thanks here to the tech team and of course to Rowan for allowing us to record his excellent talk.

Come to our next conference, Channels of Peace: exploring our call to action, on 17-19 April.

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