Climate Change

Our world is on fire, and humanity’s war addiction fuels the flames.

Climate Change is the biggest security threat our world faces. It shows how divorced from nature we have become and lays bare our willingness to be violent against those we cannot see.

If we break free from our addiction to conflict, we can stop feeding the flames of climate change. Instead, we move towards a regenerative future. Where people live in peace and security, generating the energy they need and growing the food they need in areas local to them.

Let’s explore some of the issues:

  1. The Environmental Cost of Developing Nuclear Weapons

When the bombs were dropped over Nagasaki and Hiroshima, it is often said that was the only time they were used. Yet the people of the Pacific region will tell a different story.

The United Kingdom, in the 1950s and 1960s, tested nuclear weapons in the atmosphere over Australia and Kiribati Island. The ongoing health and environmental impact of that testing, it has been suggested, is still felt today.

Join our call to stand up for the rights of the Pacific people affected by the tests our nation carried out.

The Carbon Bootprint of the Military

Fighting a war is a dirty business. People and their rights are often abused, and a sense of shared humanity is lost. Few people also stop to consider the immense environmental damage made by fighting the conflict.

The carbon emissions of the military machine have been hidden in plain sight for many years. This is because global agreements on what emissions to count didn’t include military emissions in their list.

Yet research carried out by Scientists for Global Responsibility shows the huge carbon bootprint of the military is more significant than many nations.

It’s time we correctly counted the carbon emissions of the military. Join the global call and look for a new FoR campaign later this summer.

The missed opportunity when military spending is more significant than climate spending

April and May see the Global Days of Action on Military Spending. This highlights the vast amounts of government money invested in the military and challenges us all to question if this is good stewardship.

FoR is part of the UK Network that promotes this conversation. Working with others, we have co-produced a booklet that helps you discover the difference in spending levels between military and climate spending. It’ll leave you wondering if we are building a secure future and if not, it will help you know some good questions to ask.

Read the booklet


  • Caring for creation – tackling climate change
    Climate change is one of the gravest threats facing humanity, but there is still time to make positive changes as we seek to be good stewards of creation. This session will feature the latest climate science and outlook from Liz Kalaugher from Scientists for Global Responsibility and theological insights. T Watch the webinar Scientists for Global Responsibility and Hannah Malcolm

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