The Relevance of the Cross – press release

Wombourne Good Friday procession 2016

“The relevance of the cross”

For immediate publication

On Good Friday (25th March), thirty Christians from churches in Wombourne (in South Staffordshire) walked their witness to Christ. Starting from Wombourne Methodist Church they walked towards the village center as some of the group also carried protest banners such as “Justice for Palestine”; “The Wall must Fall”; “Make Peace, not War” and “Books not Bombs”. The Rev’d Christopher Collins said: “the cross is a very political symbol that is the result of Jesus’ stand against the empire. The banners made a link between the protest of the cross of Christ and modern day issues for which we still crucify Christ on earth today.” Importantly, the banners bore witness that the cross is for the very real issues that people face today.

As the procession reached the village center they were joined by many families who had been taking part in children’s banner making sessions in other churches in the village. The procession culminated in an open air service which attracted its largest crowd for some years.


1. Contact: The Rev’d Christopher Collins 07791 651418 / 01902 687635 / / 34 Bellencroft Gardens Wolverhampton. WV3 8DT

2. The caption for the photograph should read “Some of the group walking their witness outside St. Bernadette’s Roman Catholic Church. Photograph: Rev’d Nadene Snyman)

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