Response to the Street Violence in England and Northern Ireland

The Revd Inderjit Bhogal, Honorary President of the Fellowship of Reconciliation, has been active for peace and welcoming the stranger for decades.

What follows are his personal reflections as England and Northern Ireland see violence on the streets in August 2024


I am deeply troubled by the street violence in cities around Britain and Ireland. Nothing can justify the murder of children anywhere. It is an awful crime and there is due legal process to deal with crime.

Provocation and promotion of street violence, which includes the participation of young children in such violence, is a gross violation of hurt and grief. Hatred of those who are different, and violence directed at those who stand with minorities is a gross injustice. There is no need to behave in this way.

Conducting violence draped in Union Jack flags mocks values of human dignity and decency. The use of social media to organise such violence and violation shows that this behaviour is coordinated and targets people who are vulnerable to such tactics.

The root causes, not least misinformation and mythologies about minorities, especially refugees, require attention. This cannot be seen as a policing matter only. It calls for all communities to come together building ways ahead that are based on humanity and hospitality, challenging hatred and hostility, as the basis of hope and healing. We can do this.



Holy God, our refuge

In whom is our sanctuary,

We pray for all people and places caught up in hate filled violent street disorder.

We hold before you all who perpetrate violence,

All who live in fear of violence,

All who work to bring violence to an end.

We hold before you all who mourn the loss of life and livelihood resulting from violence.

Bring us and the world to always build cultures and communities of humanity, hospitality, healing and hope, where all are welcome, valued, belong equally, and have sanctuary and well-being.

Strengthen us to work with you to bring people together to stand with all who are targets of hatred, to dispel misinformation, hatred and fear, to mend hurts, to keep hope alive, to make all things new, and never to tire of seeking justice and peace.

In the Name of Christ.


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