The Fellowship of Reconciliation (England and Scotland) has cautiously welcomed news of a ceasefire agreement between the state of Israel and the Hamas forces in Palestine. This pause in the conflict, which has now gone on for 15 months, provides space for hostages and displaced civilians to return to their respective homes in Israel and Gaza.
John Cooper, Director of the Fellowship, said:
“We are cautious yet hopeful about the ceasefire agreement and any steps away from violence and towards a lasting peace. The initial six week pause and promise of a pathway to lasting peace show the potential for an end to the seemingly permanent cycles of violence and bloodshed in the region.
“During the last 15 months of conflict, we have seen many dark and difficult moments. Millions of Palestinians have been traumatised and displaced and over forty thousand have been killed. The economic and environmental cost of rebuilding Gaza will be immense. The long-term trauma that Israeli hostages and their families experienced will forever live with them. It is time to say enough is truly enough.
“We need to keep praying and calling for peace. It is through global pressure and difficult conversations that a true pathway to peace is made possible. And that pathway is signposted by justice and recognition of human rights for all.”