Join FoR

What does membership mean?

Membership of the Fellowship means you are joining with hundreds of people around England and Scotland who wish to be a movement of Christians committed to Building Peace, Seeking Justice and spreading hope through the world through the power of nonviolence. We do so together and in partnership with a wide range of people (religious and note) on our core campaign and education topics.

The Fellowship of Reconciliation is part of a global movement for peace, justice and nonviolence.

Membership is open to all who have read the ‘basis’ which summerises our faith based conviction of what the world could be. Members are those who have seen the statement and, agree with it’s ethos, wish to join with others to outlive what it says. Supporters are folks who have read the basis and want to work with others for peace while finding out if they agree with the ethos. All Are Welcome

Basis of FoR

(written in 1914, hence the gendered language – we’re working on this!)

  • That love as revealed and interpreted in the life and death of Jesus Christ, involves more than we have yet seen, that is the only power by which evil can be overcome and the only sufficient basis of human society.
  • That, in order to establish a world-order based on Love, it is incumbent upon those who believe in this principle to accept it fully, both for themselves and in relation to others and to take the risks involved in doing so in a world which does not yet accept it.
  • That therefore, as Christians, we are forbidden to wage war, and that our loyalty to our country, to humanity, to the Church Universal, and to Jesus Christ our Lord and Master, calls us instead to a life-service for the enthronement of Love in personal, commercial and national life.
  • That the Power, Wisdom and Love of God stretch far beyond the limits of our present experience, and that He is ever waiting to break forth into human life in new and larger ways.
  • That since God manifests Himself in the world through men and women, we offer ourselves to His redemptive purpose to be used by Him in whatever way He may reveal to us.

Not in England or Scotland?  Find your nearest branch.

We will use your details to contact you about your membership of FoR, including sending resources, newsletters and fundraising. We will not share it with any third parties except the Methodist Peace Fellowship if applicable. If you have questions or concerns, email

Don’t forget to “like” us on facebook and follow us on twitter.

15 thoughts on “Join FoR”

  1. Fifty years ago when I was a freshman at Kansas University I encountered a charismatic Quaker who was leading a FoR chapter on campus. He introduced me to the philosophy of non-violence, taught and trained me in its precepts and techniques, and encouraged me to participate in several on-going campaigns: the first was off campus and involved a protest to integrate the Lawrence, Kansas downtown public swimming pool, and the second consisted of a series of teach-ins and protests against the Vietnam war. That was the beginning of my activism and commitment “for justice, peace and democracy now”, which I have sustained for more than 50 years. I have worked with many different organizations over the years, but not FoR since my undergraduate days. so I thought about time to touch base via the newsletter.

    1. What an excellent story and thank you for getting in touch – it’s great to hear from people who’ve been involved and are committed to nonviolence. Did you say that you receive our newsletter?

  2. I am an Anglican – having worked for the United Nations – and favour use of UN Peacekeeping military forces in areas of conflict. I have also served in the Armed Services. Does this preclude me from FOR membership? Please e-mail response.
    Very many thanks.

    I have been a christian pacifist all my adult life,42 years.
    I would like to make contact with other like -minded peace people.

  4. Hi, I would like to join but am having trouble with the forms and donation process. I have seen a message saying I need to verify my email but haven’t received the email to verify. Despite the problems I’m keen to sign up and make a donation. I’m in the UK East Midlands. Are there any groups local to me? I’m active in my local church and would like to hear about resources you can offer for promotion of peace.

    1. Hi Peter, thanks for your comment. I’m not sure what the verification thing is about – I thought it just asks for two digits at the bottom of the form? Sorry about that, will email you now and join you up that way.

  5. Hey,

    Very interested in joining, & getting involved, but don’t currently use debit/credit card. Would be keen to set up direct debit/standing order- is this possible please? Many thanks

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