The Fellowship of Reconciliation has expressed dismay at the Prime Minister’s announcement regarding increasing defence spending to the detriment of international aid.
John Cooper, Director of the Fellowship, said
“Today’s statement demonstrates that pursuing a lasting peace is not currently a priority for this government. Announcing an increase in military spending before the security review concludes and reports is about political posturing and shows the hollowness of an arbitrary target for military spending. Longterm studies have shown it’s inconclusive that increased investment in military spending delivers economic growth at home. Whereas increased arms spending races lead to a further destabilised world through increased weapons and major contributions to climate change. Meanwhile, cutting international development, which had already been cut in the last parliament, shows a disregard for the world’s poor and ignores the importance of tackling poverty to lay foundations for peace and building goodwill in a constantly moving world.
“In short, today’s medicine is hard to swallow because it will do the patient no good. We urge this government to think imaginatively about lasting security through make lasting peace a priority, and to reverse the cut in overseas aid to help prevent the future spread of conflict. ”